HELLO my love,

I am Amy Walker, your soul-led beauty industry boss babe bestie!!

I am a mom of two BEAUTIFUL little girls, wife to the most supportive man , and for the last 20 years, hairdressing has been who I am... Hell if I’m being honest, I’ve had hairdressing in my blood my WHOLE LIFE! 

I started hanging out and helping my auntie in her home based salon when I was just a little girl, and the incredible fire was LITERALLY inside me then! Fast forward to 17 years working behind the chair, educating and being on backstage, managing a salon and then being able to bring all of my passions to life with my bestie and opening my own salon! I won the freaking LOTTERY of life babe! Until I didn’t…. If you’re reading this as a hairdresser then you 100% know the physical and mental toll that being a stylist behind the chair can bring! My hands failed me. Multiple surgeries later, and I made the heart wrenching decision to retire from my passion. And it broke me. Broke my heart. 

So I pivoted and took a job that kept me in the industry! I love being around stylists and business owners and through that realized that the CREATIVE side of me was literally BURSTING at the seams! I also spent months investing in courses and education, as well as hiring my own mentor..... And in that process... The “Savvy Stylist” was born!!!! I haven’t felt that OVERWHELMING “Holy S#it THIS is it” in a long time!!!!!!!!!

I also knew that there was a BIG piece of education missing from this industry, and the more time I spend connecting with industry professionals, the more I felt the pull to bring life to it. Your energy. Your mindset. Your heart space. There is a massive hole in our education, and it is causing people in our industry to burn out at an unbelievable rate. I KNEW that helping teach how to balance your energy, and master your mindset absolutely HAD to be part of my program! 

It’s as simple as this…. If YOU are an industry babe who checks ANY of these boxes….

 ~Work behind the chair

~Are an experienced stylist

~Are Brand new in the industry

~Own a salon

~Are an educator

~Are a platform artist

~Specialize in bridal

~Extension Queens

AND you also are wanting MORE!!!! More exposure, more income, more CREATIVE FLOW….. AND to not burn out in the industry before you are truly ready….

Then you my friend are in the right place, at the exact right time for YOU!

I can't wait to see where this journey takes you!

Much love,
